Who we are
In 2014, a research report on the organization of services for sexual assault victims offered by designated centres in Québec presented six recommendations based on the evaluation of the implementation of those centres.
In the wake of the #metoo movement in 2017 and based on those recommendations, the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) mandated the Montréal Sexual Assault Centre (MSAC) to establish a provincial coordinating body for the designated centres responsible for providing medico-social intervention services to victims of sexual assault.
This led to the creation, in July 2019, of the Support Service for Designated Centres Providing Medico-social Services for Sexual Assault Victims.
The Support Service is allied with designated centres across Québec.
Our values
Notre équipe
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Do not hesitate to tell us about your needs. We are here for you!