A helpline and referral service available 24/7
Launch of the newly named Sexual Violence Helpline
October 21, 2021 marked the inauguration of the newly named Sexual Assault Helpline, formerly known as the Provincial Helpline for Victims of Sexual Assault. For over 10 years, this listening and referral service has been answering calls from victims, loved ones and counsellors across Quebec, in French and English.
By calling 1 888 933-9007, victims can notably find out how to get to the closest designated centre in order to access medico-social intervention services. The helpline is also a precious source of information for counsellors across Quebec who have questions related to the needs of victims. Nearly 20 counsellors take turns in order to offer access to the service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are specially trained to provide assistance to victims of sexual violence and come from many backgrounds, including criminology, social work, etc.
The new name reflects the fact that the helpline offers assistance to people affected by all forms of sexual violence, whether it’s sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation or sexual cyberviolence. The Sexual Violence Helpline was recognized by the Comité d’experts sur l’accompagnement des personnes victimes d'agressions sexuelles et de violence conjugale (expert committee on support for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence) for its ability to centralize the various existing resources in Quebec. In its report entitled Rebâtir la confiance (rebuilding trust), tabled in December 2020, the committee recommended improvements to the Sexual Violence Helpline, including better promotion of its services.
New bookmarks have been printed and will be distributed to individuals affected by sexual violence. To order bookmarks, please contact Jade Lagacé, Assistant Coordinator, by email at j.lagace@cvasm.ca.
Like the Support Service, the Sexual Violence Helpline is managed by the Montreal Sexual Assault Centre (MSAC). The helpline is mandated and funded by the Ministère de la Justice du Québec. Both our teams collaborate closely on various projects aimed at improving the services offered to victims.