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Participation of the Support Service in the Journée-séminaire 2023 : Centres désignés de la Capitale-Nationale et de Chaudière-Appalaches

On October 31, the Support Service was invited to travel to Quebec City to take part in a one-day seminar organized by the designated centres in the Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches regions.

The objectives of the day were:

  1. To participate in continuing education specific to forensic and medico-social clinical practice in a designated centre;

  2. To take time to network and get to know each other;

  3. To share success stories and concerns about practice in designated centres.


The Support Service was pleased to accept the invitation to present our training on the application of the trauma-informed approach in medico-social intervention services. More than 90 participants working in designated centres in these two regions attended the training session, demonstrating the value of bringing medico-social teams together to learn and develop their expertise.

Several presentations (in French) were given over the course of the day-long seminar, allowing participants to expand their knowledge in several areas:

  • Le rôle de la toxicologie judiciaire dans l’analyse des trousses médicolégales: Presented by Édith Viel, forensic toxicologist and scientific coordinator, Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale.

  • Intervention médicolégale : aller plus loin dans l’intégration de services et dans la pratique clinique: Presented by the Service intégré en violence conjugale et agression sexuelle (SIVA – integrated services for victims of abuse) of the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale by Marie-Pier Boutin, nurse clinician, SIVA and member of the on-call nursing team for victims of sexual assault at CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale, as well as Maryse Mathieu, RN, M.Sc. (community health), MAP, coordinator of the Services intégrés aux victimes d’agression sexuelle et violence conjugale (SIVA) and co-supervisor of the on-call nursing team for victims of sexual assault (CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale).

  • La prophylaxie post-exposition suite à une agression sexuelle: Presented by Dr. Lucie Deshaies, family physician, Service intégré en dépistage et prévention des ITSS, CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale and physician specializing in HIV, HBV and HCV.

  • Introduction à la diversité de genre et pratiques inclusives auprès des victimes d’agression sexuelle et de violence conjugale: Presented by Divergenres, a community organization in the Capitale-Nationale, by Sam Asselin-Mailloux (they), project head, “Transphobie dans les relations intimes.”

The Support Service would like to thank the organizers and participants for creating such a welcoming environment. This event provided an excellent example of everything that it is possible to achieve in this field thanks to dedicated workers who feel that their expertise is supported and recognized, and thanks to managers who appreciate the value of their work and support continuing education.








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