Changes to the forensic kit
In April, two information leaflets were sent throughout the RSSS’s network, to the attention of designated centres. They detailed two changes to forensic kits. These leaflets are also included with the forensic kits themselves. You can consult them here:
Below is a summary of the information provided in these leaflets:
1. Replacement of a device for collecting forensic samples 1B, 2CI-2CII and 2E.
Swabs in red-top tubes have been replaced with swabs in cardboard receptacles.
It is therefore no longer necessary to let samples dry before storing them in their respective cardboard receptacles.
During a medico-social intervention, it may be advisable to take more than two skin samples. In such cases, and your designated centre has a previously acquired supply of unused forensic kits, you still have the option of using swabs in red-top tubes.
2. 1E blood sample: Procedure to follow when the grey-top tube for blood included in the forensic kit has expired.
Designated centres can now order additional blood tubes for collecting 1ER samples, for the purpose of storing a supply. If the blood tube included with a forensic kit has expired, an unexpired blood tube may be used from the supply.
It is recommended to stagger the dates on which forensic kits and blood tubes are ordered, to ensure different expiry dates.
If a medico-social team cannot obtain a grey-top blood tube that has not expired, a lavender-top tube or its equivalent may be used.
Designated centres can place orders for additional forensic kits and blood tubes with Atelier Mirador via email, at commande.troussecentredesigne@msp.gouv.qc.ca.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have by email at: infoserviceconseil@cvasm.ca
The Support Service team
Allied with designated centres across Québec